Dominik Delgado Diaz’s work is an integral art expression in the voltage range between unity and duality. Through the visualization of philosophical ideas, world views and value systems, we immerse ourselves in the contemplation of our being in the eternal flow of personal development. His art is a dance between nature and culture, between science and spirituality. His sculptures, drawings and three-dimensional paintings of volcanic rock symbolically point to the invisible, to the metaphysical within us.


Dominik Delgado Diaz was born in 1997, to parents from the Canary Islands, near Hamburg (Germany), where he studied design and art. Since 2017 he has worked in Hamburg in his studio, holding various exhibitions, including the „Chilehaus“ in Hamburg. Furthermore, he started a new degree in philosophy and art at the end of 2019 in Bonn (Germany). Today he lives and works in Bonn as an artist and designer. At the beginning of 2020, he and his philosophy professor founded a joint workspace for artists in the center of Bonn.

Latest Exhibitions:

2019 “Ignition” Colegio Christophorus. Hamburg Germany
2018 “Volcanic Energy” Gallery of the Instituto Cervantes. Chilehaus. Hamburg Germany
2018 “Finding Myself” Bizco + Emily Art Space. Oberhafen. Hamburg Germany.