This project is a reflection about the multitude of varied identities of humans, from a feminist perspective and coming from the Foucauldian idea that all individuals are the result of social constructions. Subsequently, we do not belong to a natural identity but constructed where all identities are as anomalous. “Infirmes” is a project that shows the denial of the norm. That norm that is hidden so it does not function due to the fact that society prefers to maintain its status quo.

It is vitally important to show that we are all socially constructed products but it is convenient to teach us that we are naturally different and automatically segregate. This is how a submissive and inalterable society is maintained. This takes us to the emancipatory roots of Theodor W. Adorno’s artistic conception, where I position myself, in relation to the way art should highlight that social antithesis of society as it intends to generate a critique that promotes the progress and emancipation of the individual.

Berena Álvarez is a visual artist and photographer whose objective is to reflect sociocultural situations related to gender and identity. She graduated from the Espai d’Art Fotogràfic School in Valencia, Spain. (I. Cervantes press-release)

Instituto Cervantes (Moscú) – Salón de Actos . Novinski boulevard, 20a bloque 1-2. 121069 Moscú

Image: Berena Álvarez. “Infirmes”