In this series Pedro Paricio (Spain, b. 1982) explores the fundamentals of Picasso, one of the founding fathers of modernism and how his work has been a great inspiration. This exhibition will include both artworks by Pedro Paricio and Pablo Picasso, showcasing Paricio’s act of homage to the Málaga master. Taking art critic David Sylvester’s words on Picasso as a starting point, Paricio decided to confront and create his own dialogue with the Malagueño master:

‘In any event, Picasso is the issue, Picasso is the one to beat, Picasso is the fastest gun in the West, the one every budding gunfighter has to beat to the draw in order to prove himself.’ David Sylvester, About Modern Art: Critical Essays, 1948-1996 (London, 1997), p.30.

The exhibition, which Paricio has been working on for the past two years, does not only illustrate the influence that Picasso has exerted on Pedro Paricio over the years in his painting, but also in his creative freedom. Paricio, much like Picasso, is a free spirit with the same capacity to reinvent himself as the Málaga master did, exploring over time different periods or pictorial styles. It is also significant to note how the changes in both these artist’s lives, appearances and habits are deeply connected with the transformations of their work. Paricio’s work has been exhibited widely and is included in several public collections and exhibitions, most notably the Norton Museum of Fine Arts, Florida (2014), Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Caja de Burgos (CAB) (2017), Fundación Cesáreo Rodríguez-Aguilera, Jaén, Spain (2018).  His work is held in international private collections world-wide including The Ernesto Ventos Collection (Olor Visual), Barcelona and The Mittal Collection, London.  He was included in Francesca Gavin 100 New Artists (2011). In 2020, Paricio will be exhibiting a one man show at the Centro Arte Contemporaneo de Caja de Burgos in Spain.

Halcyon Gallery, 144-146 New Bond Street. W1S 2PF

Image: Pedro Paricio