Ira Lombardía (Asturias 1977) is an artist and researcher and works in different media such as photography, video, graphic design or sculpture. With her work she questions discourses, dynamics and rhetorics that have been assumed in the realm of contemporary art, image and philosophy. The production, both theoretical and practical, focuses on the transformation of the postmodern paradigm in relation to the digital visual culture. This line of research interest has led to generate proposals that challenge traditional forms of production, exhibition and documentation. Her work has been exhibited internationally in venues such as the Liverpool Biennial in 2014 or The Billboard Creative in Los Angeles in 2016. At a national level she has exhibited among other spaces in the CCCB of Barcelona, the National Library of Madrid and the Center Of Young Art of the Community of Madrid. In addition, her doctoral research project, which she is developing at the Complutense University of Madrid under the title Transfotography or Post-photographic Derivative: a re-reading of photographic theory in the Post-Internet era, has received the support of institutions such as the Banco Santander Foundation, The University of Córdoba. (Alarcón Criado press-release)

Scan Project Room 13-19 Herald Street, London E2 6JT

Image: Scan Project Room.