Greta Alfaro’s Solo show ‘I Will Not Hesitate To React Spiritually’ in the former Lambeth County Courts. An imaginative fusion of fact and fiction in this site specific installation. Roaming Room presents this new work in our programme ‘The Theatre of Buildings’.

Spanish artist Greta Alfaro’s large scale installation inhabits a series of rooms throughout the now disused Lambeth County Court. Greta weaves an imaginative history that is interpreted through film, photography and installation. Exploring the evidence, she has used documents, artefacts and photographs. In constructing a multi-layered work that uses metaphor and symbolism, she presents a work that is both witty and profound.

Greta studied Fine Art at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and Photography at the Royal College of Art in London. (artrabbit press-releae)

Lambeth County Court Building. Cleaver Street. SE11. London

Image: Greta Alfaro.” I will not hesitate to react spiritually”