Ramon Llull’s worlds were very rich and varied and were simultaneously Catalan, European and Mediterranean: he wrote more than 250 books in Catalan, Latin and Arabic; he travelled through the East and the West; he sought a model of knowledge that would embrace God, humankind and the world; and he fostered dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims, but also between Latin and Greek Christians. His thinking drew on Greek, Jewish and Arab philosophy and on Christian Neoplatonism. His concept of reality was formed by the merging of philosophy, theology, science and politics; the system of thinking that he created, known as Ars magna, interlinks all the branches of knowledge of his day (astronomy, philosophy, theology, logic, medicine, law, etc.); and the language he used to express all this, the ars combinatoria, is the finest example of how to draw a connection between different things. Legend has it that he died for his ideas.

An exhibition with works by Antoni Tàpies, Arnold Schönberg, Athanasius Kircher, Bernat de Lavinheta, David Link, Francesc Pujols, Giordano Bruno, Gottfried Wilhem Leibniz, Agrippa von Nettesheim, Italo Calvino, Jacint Verdaguer, Jean-Jacques Grandville, Jeongmoon Choi, Joan Desí, Johann Heinrich Alsted, John Cage, Jorge Oteiza, José Luis Alexanco, José María Yturralde, Josep M. Subirachs, Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, Josep Palau i Fabre, Josep Soler, Juan de Herrera, Juan Eduardo Cirlot, Manfred Mohr, Manuel Barbadillo, Marius Schneider, Miquel Bestard, Moses ben Jacob Cordovero, Nikolaus Joachim Lehmann, Perejaume, Philipp Goldbach, Pietro Mainardi, Rafael Isasi, Ralf Baecker, Ramon Llull, Raymond Queneau, Razen, Rosa Leveroni, Salvador Dalí, Sebastián Izquierdo, Semiconductor: Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt, Valère Novarina, William Morris, Yehudá ha-Leví and Daniel V. Villamediana.

Re-curated with the ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe). This exhibition was originally conceived at the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona).
The EPFL instance is curated by:  Prof. Dr. Amador Vega, (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Prof. Dr., CEO and Director Peter Weibel (ZKM | Karlsruhe) Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski (Berlin University of the Arts)

Art Science Office. EPFL CDH ARTLAB. CM 1 468 (Centre Midi). Station 1 CH-1015 Lausanne


Image: CCCB. Barcelona