The Gallery 100 Kubik shows works by Jorge Villalba (*1975, Alicante), who is represented in many public and private collections in Germany. His hyperrealistic paintings revive figures from mythology, fairy tales and Christian faith and bring them into a contemporary context. Villalba thus builds a bridge between the past and the present and raises universal humanistic basic questions that inspire the viewer to reflect and question.

Jorge Villalba (*1975 Alicante) his hyperrealistic painting is stylistically oriented towards the old Spanish masters and deals with important humanistic questions. His paintings are avant-garde and lively and cannot be assigned to any fleeting trend. By reviving figures from ancient mythology, religion and fairy tales and bringing them back to life in a contemporary context, he builds a bridge between the past and the present. His works tell of life and death, people and God, pointedly and often with an ironic undertone. Classical themes of art history enter into discourse with current themes of the present and bear witness to the universality of art.

Jorge Villalba enjoyed his diverse artistic education in Spain as well as in Germany and studied at several art academies and universities, for example in Granada, Valencia and Thuringia. Since his first solo exhibition in 2000, Villalba has been exhibiting his work internationally and has received several awards and scholarships. Some of his works can also be found in public and private collections in Europe.  (100kubik press-release)

Galerie 100 kubik. Mohrenstr. 21. Cologne, Germany /

Image: Jorge Villalba. Hansel y Gretel, Óleo sobre lienzo, 200×105 cm