For the third time we present a solo exhibition of the Catalan artist Joanpere Massana (Ponts 1968). This time he shows us paintings and sculptural objects in which he attaches great importance to the surfaces, the skin of the works. It is therefore essential to see them live, because the emotions they convey are hardly perceived in the photos.

Massana connects us with his universe of signs and elements that form his personal vocabulary and in which gestures and matter are the motor of his work. The plane is the magical field for a connotative visual language that leads us to Venetian frescoes or the feeling of Mediterranean culture.

Joanpere Massana. (1968, Ponts) At the age of 24, Joanpere Massana won the first prize for painting organized by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. It was a special honour for the artist to be the first to present an individual form of his exhibition Il libro dell´acqua in the PAN (Palazzo delle Arti Napoli) and to publish a book with over 2000 copies. Massana has participated in international fairs and exhibitions. His works range from large-format to small-format installations to drawings, various copper engravings, paintings, sculptures, videos and poetry. In addition to his work as an artist, he is now professor and head of the Sculpture Department at the Tárrega School of Art and Drawing and a member of the Art and Culture Council at the d´Estudis llerdencs Institute in Lérida.

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Galería 100 Kubik. Mohrenstr. 21 50670 Colonia. Alemania

Image: Joan Pere Massana