PARIS. “The Music of Picasso” 15 december 2020 – january 3 2021. The Philharmonie’s Musée de la Musique.


The Philharmonie’s Musée de la Musique is sure of it; music is omnipresent in fine arts. In many exhibitions, the institution tends to show the influence of music in works by major painters or plastic artists. Until January 3, 2021, come and study Pablo Picasso’s work even though [...]

PARIS. “The Music of Picasso” 15 december 2020 – january 3 2021. The Philharmonie’s Musée de la Musique.2021-01-13T18:09:00+00:00

PARIS. Pilar Albarracín “Don’t put out my fire, let me burn” 28 february – 25 june 2020. Galerie Vallois.


Pilar Albarracín’s new exhibition in Paris is based on a critical and political exploration of the Semana Santa («Holy Week») in Seville. For a week in April, the whole city lives to the rhythm of plural and thematic processions. About sixty fraternities commemorate the [...]

PARIS. Pilar Albarracín “Don’t put out my fire, let me burn” 28 february – 25 june 2020. Galerie Vallois.2020-07-08T07:05:35+00:00

PARIS. “PICASSO POET” Until 21 july 2020. Musée National Picasso.


« Picasso poète » explore un aspect méconnu de l’œuvre de Pablo Picasso en montrant l’importance de l’écriture poétique dans sa démarche créatrice. L’exposition propose un parcours à travers de nombreux poèmes manuscrits de l’artiste, en les confrontant aux dessins et peintures qui leur [...]

PARIS. “PICASSO POET” Until 21 july 2020. Musée National Picasso.2020-08-09T07:13:09+00:00

PARIS. ”Tàpies aujourd’hui” 6 february -18 april 2020.Galería Mayoral.


The Mayoral Gallery is pleased to present the second exhibition at its parisian space: "Tàpies, Aujourd’hui". The exhibition will include a selection of eight paintings by Antoni Tàpies –carefully chosen by curator Arnau Puig for his plastic and expressive force– that date from a [...]

PARIS. ”Tàpies aujourd’hui” 6 february -18 april 2020.Galería Mayoral.2020-05-24T17:19:36+00:00

PARIS. Albano Hernández “PANTONE” 5- 28 february 2020. Colegio de España.


Albano Hernández, joins the pictorial language with the linguistic expression. The artworks delve deeper into the limits of writing as a pictorial expression. The purpose of this creation is to fly between the rigor of the word and the richness of plastic creativity, where [...]

PARIS. Albano Hernández “PANTONE” 5- 28 february 2020. Colegio de España.2020-03-09T07:59:33+00:00

PARIS. Okuda San Miguel “Formas e ilusiones ” Del 7 de diciembre 2019 al 11 de enero 2020. Danysz Gallery.


Formas e ilusiones, o cómo la forma juega con nuestra percepción, nos engaña y nos sorprende. Los artistas en exhibición no solo juegan con las formas de arte clásico y desafían el espacio de exhibición. También están jugando con nuestros ojos. Okuda rompe nuestra [...]

PARIS. Okuda San Miguel “Formas e ilusiones ” Del 7 de diciembre 2019 al 11 de enero 2020. Danysz Gallery.2020-01-16T07:11:38+00:00

PARIS. Antonio Saura “Brigitte Bardot et Autres Dames” 22 december 2019 – 8 february 2020. Galería Mayoral.


Antonio Saura, like Picasso, makes of the figure of the woman less a theme of predilection than a field of research. From 1954 on he envisages her as the mother form—the matrix—as a mould out of which form will emerge, as a breast that [...]

PARIS. Antonio Saura “Brigitte Bardot et Autres Dames” 22 december 2019 – 8 february 2020. Galería Mayoral.2020-02-10T06:11:21+00:00

PARIS “Jaume Plensa” 10 october – 16 november 2019. Lelong Gallery.


Jaume Plensa has conceived this new exhibition as a silent conversation. In the first part of the gallery, three heads of young girls, some three metres high, stand on the floor. Originally carved from tree trunks then cast in bronze, the elongation of the [...]

PARIS “Jaume Plensa” 10 october – 16 november 2019. Lelong Gallery.2019-11-18T10:51:31+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso. Magic paintings”. 1rst october 2019-23 february 2020. Musée Picasso.


Many of the paintings that Picasso did over a period of some four years (summer 1926-spring 1930) form a cohesive group, which Christian Zervos would later (1938) as “Tableaux magiques”. With these works principally figure paintings – Picasso opened a new chapter in his [...]

PARIS. “Picasso. Magic paintings”. 1rst october 2019-23 february 2020. Musée Picasso.2020-02-26T07:16:02+00:00

PARIS “Picasso, decidedly Mediterranean” 4 june – 6 october 2019. Musée National Picasso.


What links did Pablo Picasso maintain with the Mediterranean space? This exhibition gives an overview of the life and work of Pablo Picasso in the Mediterranean by showing the richness of links uniting Picasso with this geographical area. Thanks to innovative audio-visual equipment and [...]

PARIS “Picasso, decidedly Mediterranean” 4 june – 6 october 2019. Musée National Picasso.2019-10-07T10:33:28+00:00

PARIS. “Chema Madoz” 26 april – 29 may 2019. Esther Woerdehoff Gallery.


Born in Madrid in 1958, Chema Madoz began self-taught photography and printing in the early 1980s, in the creative effervescence of Movida. He began exhibiting his work in 1983 while working as a bank clerk. In the early 1990s, he decided to stop photographing [...]

PARIS. “Chema Madoz” 26 april – 29 may 2019. Esther Woerdehoff Gallery.2019-05-31T07:47:47+00:00

PARIS. Jordi Ruiz Cirera “Los Menonos” april 20 – june 30 2019. Circulation(s), Festival of young european photography. Le Centquatre.


Every year, the Circulation(s) festival provides us with an overview of the vitality of a new generation of European photographers. On the programme, more than fifty series of photos and as many real or invented stories, but also events for young and old. Jordi [...]

PARIS. Jordi Ruiz Cirera “Los Menonos” april 20 – june 30 2019. Circulation(s), Festival of young european photography. Le Centquatre.2019-07-04T07:40:21+00:00

PARIS ”Calder-Picasso” 19 February – 25 August 2019. Musée Picasso.


Alexander Calder and Pablo Picasso – two of the most seminal figures of twentieth-century art – innovated entirely new ways to perceive grand themes. While the resonances between them are filled with endless possibilities, a key connection can be found specifically in their exploration [...]

PARIS ”Calder-Picasso” 19 February – 25 August 2019. Musée Picasso.2019-08-27T08:13:35+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso and war” 5 april – 28 july 2019. Musée de l’Armée.


Picasso always claimed that his work was his "journal", a personal and secret journal that recounted his private life. As the 20th century unfolded, with its two world wars and rising totalitarianism, he related the tragedy of contemporary life through this journal. Although Picasso’s [...]

PARIS. “Picasso and war” 5 april – 28 july 2019. Musée de l’Armée.2019-08-01T06:58:09+00:00

PARIS. Pablo Valbuena “Si le temps est un lieu” 19 january – 24 march 2019. Le Centquatre


Ephemeral and immersive sculptures, Pablo Valbuena’s works highlight the architecture of the space that welcomes them, whilst also going further. Using simple elements - lines, dots, notes, geometrical shapes - and technical tools of great precision, the artist fashions sound, light and movement to [...]

PARIS. Pablo Valbuena “Si le temps est un lieu” 19 january – 24 march 2019. Le Centquatre2019-03-26T09:10:53+00:00

PARIS “MIRÓ”. Until 31 january 2019. Cahiers d´Art


The exhibition features Miró's bronze sculptures from the years 1973 to 1977 and a selection of works on paper from the years 1973 to 1981. Until the last years of his life, Miró has created unclassifiable, magical works, like the sculptures he made while [...]

PARIS “MIRÓ”. Until 31 january 2019. Cahiers d´Art2019-02-02T12:06:00+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso: Blue and Rose” Until 6th january 2019. The Musée d’Orsay


The Musée d’Orsay and the Musée national Picasso-Paris are organising an exceptional event dedicated to Pablo Picasso’s blue and rose periods. This exhibition is the first large-scale collaboration between our two museums. It features masterpieces and proposes a new interpretation on the years 1900-1906, [...]

PARIS. “Picasso: Blue and Rose” Until 6th january 2019. The Musée d’Orsay2019-01-07T17:33:30+00:00

PARIS. Esther Ferrer “All Variations Are Valid, Including this One” 10 november – 9 diciembre 2018. L’invitation aux musées: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. Centre National de la Danse.


Variation on the exhibition Esther Ferrer. Todas las variaciones son válidas, incluida esta, presented at the Palacio Velazquez of the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid (from October 26, 2017 to February 25, 2018), the selection of works for CN D explores the different forms addressed by [...]

PARIS. Esther Ferrer “All Variations Are Valid, Including this One” 10 november – 9 diciembre 2018. L’invitation aux musées: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. Centre National de la Danse.2018-12-10T17:02:58+00:00

PARIS. Cristina de Middel “In No Particular Order” 8 november 2018 – 13 january 2019. Magnum gallery.


In No Particular Order brings together a selection of more than 70 prints from three major projects of Magnum nominee Cristina de Middel. The first-floor gallery space of the Magnum gallery in Paris is dedicated to Christina de Middel’s series Party. In an attempt to build a [...]

PARIS. Cristina de Middel “In No Particular Order” 8 november 2018 – 13 january 2019. Magnum gallery.2019-01-20T09:53:19+00:00

PARIS. Isabel Muñoz “The Anthropology of Feelings” 25 october – 22 december 2018. Galerie Esther Woerdehoff.


The Anthropology of Feelings is the title of the exhibition curated by Audrey Hoareau and François Cheval, co-founders of The Red Eye.  The exhibition builds a thematic journey around the obsessive and heterogeneous representation of the human body, from the origins of the humanity [...]

PARIS. Isabel Muñoz “The Anthropology of Feelings” 25 october – 22 december 2018. Galerie Esther Woerdehoff.2018-12-27T10:18:06+00:00

PARIS. “MIRÓ” 3 octobre 2018 – 4 february 2019. Grand Palais, Galeries Nationales.


Bringing together nearly 150 works, this retrospective traces the technical and stylistic evolution of the artist. Miró creates from his dreams and opens the door to his poetic universe. Miró transformed the world around him with an apparent simplicity of means, whether a symbol, [...]

PARIS. “MIRÓ” 3 octobre 2018 – 4 february 2019. Grand Palais, Galeries Nationales.2019-02-06T08:50:07+00:00

PARIS. Sixe Paredes “Color, Forma y Materia” 4 october – 3 november 2018” Le Feuvre & Roze Gallery


Sixe Paredes is a full-time artist. He lives as he works. Absorbed by Andean and Pre-columbian cultures, inspired by the cosmos, by Universe-Earth connexions and by Human-animal connexions. His colored, symbolic, abstract or figurative work, is painted, weaved, created in ceramic when he spends [...]

PARIS. Sixe Paredes “Color, Forma y Materia” 4 october – 3 november 2018” Le Feuvre & Roze Gallery2018-11-04T12:01:59+00:00

PARIS. Juan Miguel Palacios “Isolated” 27 september – 17 october 2018. NexStreet gallery


Palacios’ new work is not only focused on the already-inflicted violent action of the hurters. His new, more richly textured, almost sculptural paintings, stand as an invitation to the potential helpers who can actually do something about it. In his “Set Me Free” series, [...]

PARIS. Juan Miguel Palacios “Isolated” 27 september – 17 october 2018. NexStreet gallery2018-10-18T09:59:29+00:00

PARIS. Pablo Valbuena “ “Kinematope” until 21 october 2018. Les Extatiques. Hall of columns Paris La Défense


Since its inception, Paris La Défense has been a cultural territory that is unique in the world. Beyond its skyscrapers and globally renowned architecture, it’s a real open-air museum that will see the installation, just for the summer, of a contemporary art exhibit both [...]

PARIS. Pablo Valbuena “ “Kinematope” until 21 october 2018. Les Extatiques. Hall of columns Paris La Défense2018-10-22T08:09:37+00:00

PARIS. Joan Miró “Femmes, oiseaux et monstres…” 6 september – 10 october 2018. Galerie Lelong


Coincidingwith the retrospective organised by Jean-Louis Prat at the Grand Palais in Paris, Galerie Lelong & Co is presenting a selection of works on paper from two decades (1930-1950), a period where the artist’s work reached its full expression. The bilingual exhibition catalogue (French [...]

PARIS. Joan Miró “Femmes, oiseaux et monstres…” 6 september – 10 october 2018. Galerie Lelong2018-10-11T16:04:07+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso: Masterpieces” 4 september – 13 january 2019. Musée National Picasso


What is the meaning of masterpiece for Pablo Picasso? The exhibition “Picasso: Masterpieces! answers this question by bringing together some of his greatest works, some of which will be shown in Paris for the first time. Thanks to exceptional loans, masterpieces from all over [...]

PARIS. “Picasso: Masterpieces” 4 september – 13 january 2019. Musée National Picasso2019-01-20T09:54:28+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso and dance” june 19 – september 16, 2018. Opéra Library Museum


Through various works and documents rarely presented in France, the BnF and the Opéra national de Paris explore the different facets of Picasso’s relationship to dance. A major 20th century painter, Picasso produced a work of an extraordinary richness. A long time before his [...]

PARIS. “Picasso and dance” june 19 – september 16, 2018. Opéra Library Museum2018-09-17T15:55:39+00:00

PARIS. Tere Recarens “Baharestan Carpet” 28 April – 9 June 2018. Galerie Anne Barrault


Tere Recarens was born in 1967 in Arbùcies, Girona. Her woks have to do with moving, the turmoil it sometimes infers. Most of them are answers to precise contexts: Tere Recarens, by choice or necessity, can be brought to react to a situation, she [...]

PARIS. Tere Recarens “Baharestan Carpet” 28 April – 9 June 2018. Galerie Anne Barrault2018-06-10T10:41:25+00:00

PARIS. “Picasso Primitif” 28 march – 23 july, 2017. Musée du Quai Branly


What links did Picasso maintain with non-Western arts? This question, frequently addressed, was however avoided by the artist himself for a long time. This exhibition aims to decipher a relationship born of admiration, respect and fear. “Negro art? Don’t know it.” It was with [...]

PARIS. “Picasso Primitif” 28 march – 23 july, 2017. Musée du Quai Branly2018-07-26T17:21:31+00:00
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