DÜSSELDORF. Pablo Picasso “The War Years 1939 – 1945” february 15 – june 14, 2020. K20 GRABBEPLATZ.


"I have not painted the war because I am not the kind of a painter who goes out like a photographer for something to depict. But I have no doubt that the war is in these paintings I have done." Picasso, 1944 The exhibition [...]

DÜSSELDORF. Pablo Picasso “The War Years 1939 – 1945” february 15 – june 14, 2020. K20 GRABBEPLATZ.2020-08-07T15:40:01+00:00

DÜSSELDORF. Chema Madoz “The Nature of Things” 8 march – 30 april 2019. Clara Maria Sels Gallery.


The photographs of Chema Madoz, born in Madrid in 1958, subtly and ironically show paradoxical worlds of everyday objects. Ordinary objects that Madoz builds himself are placed in a new visual context in the environment of his studio. They are given a new meaning [...]

DÜSSELDORF. Chema Madoz “The Nature of Things” 8 march – 30 april 2019. Clara Maria Sels Gallery.2019-05-01T07:22:44+00:00

DÜSSELDORF. Álvaro Urbano “Welcome to the Jungle”. 3 march – 21 may 2018. Kunsthalle


Un­der the ti­tle Wel­come to the Jun­gle, the Kun­sthalle Düssel­dorf will bring to­geth­er a se­lec­tion of in­ter­na­tion­al works that crit­i­cal­ly, re­flec­tive­ly, and of­ten hu­mor­ous­ly, yet with­out moral­is­tic fin­ger-point­ing, re­fer to those con­di­tions and para­dox­es in which we be­come en­tan­gled while at­tempt­ing to do the [...]

DÜSSELDORF. Álvaro Urbano “Welcome to the Jungle”. 3 march – 21 may 2018. Kunsthalle2018-05-22T08:06:09+00:00
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