Lita Cabellut (Sariñena, Spain, 1961) is an artist whose work goes beyond the limits of conventional painting. A free, determined creator with a strong, passionate character, Cabellut advocates painting that is not restricted by the norms governing the art market. For her, art must be above such things and the artist completely free, for only in that way can we ensure art for art’s sake.

Cabellut works with large-scale canvases and a personalized palette that has been carefully studied; her colours (like her work) are intense and temperamental, as her way of treating the canvas, enhancing surface materiality and voluptuousness. It should be emphasized that, even while using oil paint, many of her paintings have been done using the fresco painting technique.

Lita Cabellut is a highly prolific artist, with an abundant body of work which she has developed since she was just 15 years old, when she discovered painting at the Prado Museum, thanks to her adoptive family. In this exhibition, we present a selection of work bringing together the past 10 years of the career of this Aragon-born artist, who was raised in Barcelona and now lives in The Hague. The exhibit takes us through some of her most important pictorial series, testimony as they are of the views of one of the most significant artists in the international contemporary art scene.

Centro Cultural de Cascais. Avenida Rei Humberto II de Itália, Nº16. 2750-800 Cascais Portugal

Image: Lita Cabellut. SUZY, 2017  Técnica mixta sobre tela. 230×200 cm