Featuring a body of works that comprises both large- and small-scale paintings, drawings, and sculptures, PichiAvo‘s first exhibition at Underdogs Gallery presents a scenographic setting that materialises the artists’ original dialectic approach based on a dialoguing combination between different elements that results in an entirely new visual landscape. Feeding off a “material tradition of pictorial production and physical intervention in spaces” that blends the ancient harmony of classical art with the calligraphic rebelliousness of modern graffiti, “Versus” is a visual journey that celebrates the atemporal nature of the creative act.

“Consciousness, being aware of the moment, or rather, of the moments of the transition in which one thing turns into another, adopting the attributes of its opposites, establishes for us an interesting conceptual interaction. For this exhibition we selected pictorial works that converse in the same space, which is divided into two distinct itineraries yet at the same time connected by a central installation that represents, in both material and spiritual terms, the fallen column of the Temple of Zeus, in Athens, and which shows the greatest of virtues, freedom.

A new aesthetic setting is created with a higher motive: to unite the indoor exhibition space with the space outdoors – the room and the street –, to redefine the dialogue between the two creative universes, constantly inverting their processes while still maintaining their essence. Implementing a single common concept that applies to the static certainty of the objects and the world that surrounds us.” text by Fran Picazo. (Underdogs press-release)

Underdogs Gallery. Rua Fernando Palha, Armazém 56. 1950–132, Lisbon • Portugal



Image: Pichiavo. Lisboa