The series Wild Laocoön (from a poem by Federico García Lorca), made up of over 200 photographs, constitutes a photographic documentation project of key places in Flamenco culture, featuring the historical, economic, social, administrative and political structure of the institutional/popular culture of Flamenco in Spain.

The historical-political reading of Flamenco, in the eyes of Jorge Ribalta, is based on the recognition and analysis of the two faces expressed by this form of dance, midway between a hegemonic national culture and historical popular culture.

The exhibition intends to contribute to the defence of the documentary method in the critical analysis of cultural phenomena and the artistic products linked to these phenomena, which have a decisive role to play in the construction of national and supranational identities. Curated by William Guerrieri

Jorge Ribalta (Barcelona, 1963) is an artist, researcher and independent curator.

The exhibition is made by Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea in collaboration with Comune di Rubiera and IBC, Bologna, on the occasion of the XIII edition of Fotografia Europea, 2018 Rivoluzioni. Ribellioni, cambiamenti, utopie. (Linea de confine press-release)

Linea di Confine per la Fotografia Contemporanea. L’Ospitale, Via Fontana, 2, 42048 Rubiera, Reggio Emilia. Italy

Image: Jorge Ribalta. Miembros de Flo6X8, “grupo de flamenco anticapitalista”.