The Anthropology of Feelings is the title of the exhibition curated by Audrey Hoareau and François Cheval, co-founders of The Red Eye.  The exhibition builds a thematic journey around the obsessive and heterogeneous representation of the human body, from the origins of the humanity in itself, the spirituality, the madness, the boundaries and extremes of the body, the social dimensions of what is corporal and, finally, the sexuality and the desire.

“Given an instinctive power, the work of Isabel Muñoz is like its creator: complex and elusive. She creates what we can call, faute de mieux, images. We prefer to say that she sees characters upside down. Their condition does not determine what we see. She accesses and makes us access dimensions which the subject themselves disguises” Audrey Hoareau. “If the aesthetics of Isabel Muñoz’s photography impact us, it is not to please narcissism of the species but rather the intimate understanding of a shared secret. Essentially, this entails offerings to the unknown and human being’s wish to build bridges between different worlds” François Cheval.

The exhibition catalogue has been edited in three languages –Spanish, English and French- and includes photographs of all the pieces that make part of The Anthropology of Feelings.

Galerie Esther Woerdehoff, 36 rue Falguière, 75015 Paris – France

Image: Isabel Muñoz